Do Merlin's Realm Wands Actually Work?
There is a lot of misunderstanding on what magic wands actually do. I'll try and help clear up some of these misunderstandings.
Do magic wands work like they do on TV, No. That's because TV magic is FAKE.
Do magic wands cast spells? No. Again TV lied to you (since its fake, are you surprised?)
A magic wand is a TOOL, a tool that will focus your subtle and YOUR magical energy. Magic comes from the user, not the tool.
A hammer wont build a house, if you put a hammer in a persons hand, it still wont build a house. The muscle, the knowledge and the act of building the house is done by the user, not the tool. If the house didn't turn out as expected, don't blame the tool, ask yourself how could I have done this better?
A magic wand wont cast a spell, if you put a magic wand in a magic users hand, it still wont cast a spell. The muscle (power), the knowledge and the act of casting a spell is done by the user, not the tool. If the a spell didn't turn out as expected, don't blame the tool, ask yourself how could I have done this better?
Do you now understand that a magic wand is a tool to focus the users energy? Not a supernatural item that casts spells if you wave it?
All real magic wands in physical reality work like this, none of them will cast a spell just because you said some words and waved the wand around.
As a tool, yes Merlin's Realm wands do work. All of our wands are made from either real wood, copper or real gemstones. Natural materials allow magic wands to be used as actual magical tools. We do not use any plastics or glass with our wands (which would make them fake magic wands).