Magical Information
Merlin's Realm is devoted to your growth as a spiritual being, with this intention we offer free magical information as a service to the magical and spiritual community.
Common Questions:
Do Merlin's Realm Magic Wands Actually Work?
What can I do with a Magic Wand?
How to become a real wizard?
Which end of the magic wand do I hold?
Why is the Spell Book in the Wizard Kit blank?
Is Magic Real?
Be Aware of Magic Scams: Magic scams often sell you a spell casting or offer magical results. Please read our article on Understanding Magic Scams
Please don't ask us about getting your ex-lover back, or getting anyone specific to love you. We don't cast spells professionally, and we can't help with your love life. You should consider a professional counselor to help with these questions.
How To Become A Real Wizard
Basic information on becoming a wizard.
Merlin's Way of Life
Some quotes that Merlin lives by.
How to Make a Magic Wand
The basics of how to craft a magic wand.
Basic Magic Wand Usage
The basics of how to use a magic wand.
How to Program a Crystal
How to enchant/program a quartz crystal.
Chakras and Cording
Basic information about your chakras and cording.
Energy Vampires and how to protect yourself
More on cording and de-cording.
Manifest your Own Reality
Information about Manifesting your personal Reality.
Links to magical and spiritual information outside of Merlin's Realm:
Approved and suggested by Merlin of Manitou.
An experiment conducted by DR Emoto using rice and water being told "Thank you" , "I hate you" and nothing. This is proof your spell work changes the physical reality.
Spirit Science
A Youtube channel that teaches about spirit, metaphysics, psychic abilities, manifestation etc. These videos cover the basics of what I teach my students. If you want to learn about being a wizard, you'll want to watch all of these videos.
Are you the only Conscious Being?
This youtube video articulates perfectly an idea I have presented to many people in the past. The main point is not the answer to this question, but a way of stretching the mind into understanding greater truths. 15min video
Giza pyramids are not what you think
Information about the Giza pyramid being used as a power-plant and the ancient tunnels beneath them.
Giza Power-Plant
This under viewed video explains the full process of the Giza power-plant. For those of you who are interested, this is a technical but worthwhile video.